#BlueWhaleMorningDiary 23/2/15 (Day 115)

1⃣️Reflection/Flow [The Life of the Richest Man in History]

John D. Rockefeller's net worth is estimated at over $250 billion. Many people may imagine him buried in a corporate office. His autobiography mentions that he spent most of his time at home in Cleveland, managing the company through the telegraph. He had many interests and hobbies. He called himself an amateur landscape technician, often transplanting trees, and would ponder until midnight just to design a landscape path.

In the early days of his business, he did have to deal with banks and various competitors and had a large amount of debt, but after years of hard work, the company has been able to continue operating with the support of the team, and he no longer has to spend a lot of time running the company every day.

Rockefeller's corporate management style is similar to the extreme truth-seeking advocated by Ray Dalio. Both emphasize bringing things to the table to find out the facts, problems and solutions. Although there will be disagreements, it will enable the company to make the best decision. In contrast, the culture of many companies is closed-door meetings, and when information is not circulated, the best solution is often not reached.

2⃣️Recent articles recommended

BI is an NFT aggregation platform suitable for traders. The platform has a very large number of users, and the platform functions and experience are also excellent. You can pay more attention to it during the bull market. It is a leading project in the NFT track, but at this stage, it is mainly on the sidelines.


3⃣️Gratitude and good luck

Yesterday, when I picked up the plane, my little nephew was so well-behaved that he didn’t cry or make any fuss at the airport, which made me worry a lot. Now he is old enough to hug his thighs and call him uncle. Just looking at her makes me feel warm in my heart.

4⃣️Close distance link with blue whale