First article of 2024

Walking towards us with big strides is TRB player!

I heard that you like to play with contracts? Okay, no matter how long or short you are, explode first.

I heard that you only open the so-called low leverage of 5 times? Okay, if a single call reaches 18% in 1 minute, I’ll ask you if you’re panicking.

#TRB It is really a perfect counter-example to getting rich #合约 . I entered the market in September when it went from ten to forty. After losing a little, I found that this currency is not trivial. I never paid attention to it again. Until recently, the speculation was booming, and the price of the good guy was almost 300. When I went back and looked at the line chart, I found that there is something really good about this. I think there are still people who will suffer.

So, can anyone tell me the background of this coin and what are its specific applications?