According to Odaily Planet Daily, in response to Polkadot's first half financial report, Fabian Gompf, CEO of Web3 Foundation, a Polkadot development organization, said that this was not the expenditure of Web3 Foundation, but the expenditure of the on-chain Treasury, which was decided by community voting. He emphasized that even if the foundation does not sell any DOT, it has more than 5 years of operating funds. The concept of "operating funds" of the on-chain Treasury is misleading because the Treasury has a continuous inflow of funds and will never run out of funds.

Gompf believes that the Treasury should use its funds for more forward-looking initiatives that are not covered by the foundation. He also pointed out that some unspent on-chain Treasury funds are automatically destroyed. In the past few months, the on-chain Treasury has spent too much money on activities that may have low returns. He called on the Polkadot community that if they want to change, now is the time to vote.