According to Odaily Planet Daily, PolkaWorld released a brief summary of the Polkadot official discussion on the treasury spending 87 million. Fabian Gompf, CEO of Web3 Foundation, said that there are different entities in the Polkadot ecosystem deploying capital, mainly on-chain treasuries and foundations. He pointed out that the treasury should fund more avant-garde and more attention-grabbing projects, and in recent months, the on-chain treasury has indeed spent too much on low-return activities.

Seun Lanlege believes that Polkadot, as a developer platform, should spend most of its funds on developer programs such as developer grants and hackathons, rather than sports sponsorships or other marketing activities. He emphasized that it is very important to provide funding for new ideas and experimental projects.

However, Giotto DF believes that directly funding developers is not a good idea because it is difficult to evaluate which projects will succeed. He suggested demonstrating the openness of the Polkadot ecosystem through marketing to attract venture capital to invest in developers.

Pambamdam disagrees with Giotto, arguing that crypto venture capital is more inclined to invest in projects from zero to one rather than already public protocols. He mentioned that Polkadot's treasury needs to fill the gap in the ecosystem fund and suggested attracting important venture capital through token sales funded by the treasury.