According to BlockBeats, Farcaster's co-founder, Dan Romero, announced the launch of a new in-app payment feature on June 29. This new tool was developed for Farcaster's client, Warpcast. It allows users to make payments to others using USDC without the need to search or remember addresses. The feature provides almost instant confirmation and is free of charge.

The new payment feature is a significant step forward for Farcaster and its client Warpcast. It simplifies the payment process by eliminating the need for users to remember or search for addresses. Furthermore, the feature provides almost instant confirmation, enhancing the user experience by providing immediate feedback on the transaction status. The fact that this service is free of charge makes it even more appealing to users.

This development is part of Farcaster's ongoing efforts to improve its services and provide a better user experience. The company, co-founded by Dan Romero, is known for its innovative solutions in the digital payment sector. The introduction of this new in-app payment feature is expected to further strengthen Farcaster's position in the market.