According to BlockBeats, the final results of the main competition track of the ETH Beijing Hackathon were announced on June 20. The winners were selected across various categories.

In the Public Goods category, the first place was awarded to POLP (Proof of Location Protocol), followed by 2PM Network in second place, and ZK-Discord in third place.

The Open Research category saw Centralized-PBS clinching the top spot, with NFT_search and NomadBnB coming in second and third respectively.

In the Layer2 category, the first place was secured by annihilate fi, with zkHumanDID and Nexus taking the second and third places respectively.

The ETH Beijing Hackathon is a significant event in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space, providing a platform for developers and innovators to showcase their projects and compete for recognition. The winners of this year's competition reflect the diverse range of applications and innovations that are being developed within the Ethereum ecosystem.