According to BlockBeats, Consensys founder Joseph Lubin has expressed his intention to continue with the lawsuit against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), despite the agency's decision to end its 14-month investigation into Ethereum. Lubin was contacted by Forbes business reporter Eleanor Terrett, who sought his views on the SEC's decision and what it meant for their ongoing lawsuit.

Lubin stated that while the SEC's decision to end the Ethereum investigation was a welcome development, it was necessary but not sufficient. He emphasized the need for better market regulation methods than sudden raids. Lubin expressed hope that the adversarial attitude of some U.S. regulatory agencies towards cryptocurrencies would begin to diminish, and that the national investor protection strategy would evolve from the current guerrilla tactics.

However, until such changes occur, Lubin confirmed that they would continue their lawsuit against the SEC in Texas, as they are committed to fighting for more legal clarity for everyone. This statement indicates that despite the SEC's decision to halt its investigation, the legal battle is far from over, and Consensys is determined to push for more transparency and clarity in the regulatory landscape for cryptocurrencies.