According to Odaily, Bondex, a Web3 talent marketplace, has successfully raised over $10 million in funding. The investment round saw participation from Animoca Brands, Morningstar, Dext Force Ventures, and iAngels. It is reported that Bondex aims to evolve into a gamified version of the professional social networking platform, LinkedIn.

The funding will be utilized to further develop and expand the platform, enhancing its features and capabilities. The company's vision is to transform the way professionals connect and interact, by introducing gaming elements into the networking process.

The investors, including Animoca Brands, Morningstar, Dext Force Ventures, and iAngels, have shown confidence in Bondex's innovative approach. They believe that the integration of gaming elements into professional networking could revolutionize the industry and create a more engaging and interactive platform for users.

However, it remains to be seen how Bondex will implement this vision and how the market will respond to a gamified version of a professional networking platform. The success of this venture will largely depend on the company's ability to effectively integrate gaming elements without compromising the professional nature of the platform.