According to Odaily, artist Reza Milani has announced the launch of his new NFT series, 'Les lettres que tu n'as jamais lues' (Letters You've Never Read), on the Rarible platform. The series, which is based on the Base blockchain, will be available for minting using the DEGEN token.

The launch is set to take place tomorrow, marking a significant step in the artist's career. This move highlights the growing trend of artists leveraging blockchain technology to mint their works as NFTs, providing a new avenue for artists to monetize their work.

The use of the DEGEN token for minting further emphasizes the increasing integration of cryptocurrencies in the art world. This development is indicative of the broader trend of digital currencies becoming more mainstream in various sectors.

The 'Les lettres que tu n'as jamais lues' series is expected to attract significant attention from both the art and crypto communities, given the rising popularity of NFTs and the reputation of the artist. However, the success of the series will ultimately depend on the reception from the market.