According to PANews, Ripple sold 150 million XRP from its reserves this month. The transaction was worth about $78 million, accounting for 0.25% of XRP's market value of $29.25 billion ($0.52 per token), which put pressure on the price of XRP. On June 1, Ripple released 1 billion XRP from its initial allocation, which will be held in escrow on a monthly basis until 2027. The company transferred 200 million XRP to its treasury account and locked the remaining 800 million in a new escrow contract. At the same time, the "Ripple (35)" account transferred an additional 200 million XRP to the sale reserve account, totaling 400 million XRP to the reserve for sale. These sales activities are usually sent from the "Ripple (1)" treasury account to the untagged account "rP4X2hTa", causing market supply pressure. These newly circulated tokens usually enter cryptocurrency exchanges through intermediate addresses such as "rhWt2bhR".