According to Odaily, Trust Wallet has issued a warning about the presence of numerous counterfeit Trust Wallet applications in both Xiaomi and Amazon App stores. The company has urged users not to attempt to download these applications and has officially submitted a request for their removal.

Trust Wallet is a popular digital wallet used for storing cryptocurrencies. The company has expressed concern over the proliferation of fake apps on these platforms, which could potentially harm users by stealing their personal information or funds. The company has taken proactive steps to address this issue by submitting a request to the respective app stores for the removal of these fraudulent applications.

Users are advised to exercise caution when downloading apps, especially those related to financial transactions or personal information. It is always recommended to download apps from trusted sources and to verify the authenticity of the app before installation. Trust Wallet is working diligently to ensure the safety of its users and to prevent the spread of these counterfeit apps.