According to Wu, Memeland data scientist Stats tweeted that the full set of gold skin collections owned by the bankrupt 3AC, BAYC 8552, MAYC 27104, MAYC 27105, and BAKC 7075, will be auctioned at Sotheby's on June 18. Sotheby's Vice President Michael Bouhanna retweeted the tweet to confirm. All four NFTs are in the sothebys-grails.eth address. In August 2021, 3AC spent 105.99 ETH (about $402,000) to buy BAYC 8552 and BAKC 7075, and in March 2022 spent 38 ETH (about $144,000) to buy 1 BACC serum and mint 2 MAYC. The current BAYC floor price is only 12.9 ETH.