According to Odaily, recent data reveals that Orderly Network's message traffic on LayerZero has reached a significant 28% in the past 24 hours. This indicates a substantial increase in the network's activity and usage.

In addition to this, Orderly Network is also considering expanding its operations to the Solana blockchain. The network has reached out to its community to gauge interest in this potential move. The decision to expand to Solana could potentially increase the network's reach and influence in the blockchain space.

However, the final decision has not been made yet, and the network is still in the process of gathering feedback from its community. The move to Solana would mark a significant step in Orderly Network's growth and development strategy.

These developments highlight Orderly Network's ongoing efforts to increase its presence and influence in the blockchain industry. The increase in message traffic on LayerZero and the potential move to Solana are indicative of the network's strategic growth plans.