According to Odaily, a recent report from JPMorgan Chase indicates that the demand for Ethereum spot ETFs is likely to be significantly lower than that for Bitcoin spot ETFs. The report forecasts that the Ethereum spot ETFs will attract up to $3 billion in net inflows for the remainder of the year. However, if staking is allowed, this figure could potentially rise to $6 billion.

The report's findings suggest a disparity in the market's interest in these two leading cryptocurrencies. Despite Ethereum's growing popularity and its recent upgrades, the demand for its spot ETFs is not expected to match that of Bitcoin. This could be due to a variety of factors, including Bitcoin's longer history, wider recognition, and its status as the first and largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization.

It's important to note that these predictions are based on current market conditions and trends, and the actual outcomes may vary depending on a range of factors, including regulatory developments and shifts in investor sentiment. The potential for staking to double the net inflows into Ethereum spot ETFs also highlights the evolving nature of the cryptocurrency market and the increasing interest in more complex investment strategies.