According to Odaily Planet Daily, Econia Labs co-founder Alex published a long article to explain the advantages of building applications on Aptos. He said that Aptos focuses on building the best-performing blockchain system. Its code base was originally launched under Facebook and was later spun off by a group of engineers who were determined to put it into production as a public chain. Aptos designed the Move code, BlockSTM, consensus mechanism, etc. from scratch, and optimized every level. Aptos provides atomic settlement guarantees and cleverly uses decades of database theory to push the boundaries of traditional databases. Aptos foresaw all the expansion bottlenecks that have plagued the industry in the near future, and most of its technology stack was developed before the mainnet went live in 2022. Alex also mentioned that Aptos CTO Avery Ching and CEO Mo Shaikh provided guidance and help in the concept of the ecosystem. Mo Shaikh promoted the business development of the project globally, attracting crypto natives and the next billion users.