The high-profile meme coin Normie (NORMIE) has seen its price plummet 99% after an attack on Sunday, in which the attackers completely drained its liquidity pool by manipulating the total supply of the token, according to CoinDesk. Blockchain sleuths said the attackers used a so-called tax function in the token contract to issue more tokens than the intended supply of 1 billion. The extra tokens were then traded for Ethereum. Late Sunday, the attackers posted an on-chain message offering Normie developers a way to recover 90% of the stolen funds if they agreed to restart the project. In the message, the attackers said they were willing to return 90% of the exploited ETH and keep 10% as a bug bounty. This is the first attempt by the attackers to make the project restart a condition for returning funds. According to messages in the project's official Telegram group viewed by CoinDesk, Normie developers accepted the bounty offer early Monday. In another on-chain message on Monday morning in Asia, the attackers called Normie's contract code a "copy and paste" job that may not have been thoroughly reviewed by developers before being launched. Before the price crash, NORMIE was one of the highest-valued meme coins on Base, with a market value of more than $40 million and nearly 90,000 on-chain token holders. However, after the attack, NORMIE's market value was only $700 early Monday. At the same time, at least one NORMIE investor faced huge losses due to the attack, with their $1.6 million investment turning into just $150 in a few seconds.