According to Odaily, the second layer modular project Ola has successfully completed the first token snapshot for the mobile Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) verification network, Massive. The user page for the first season has been updated, and users can now visit the official Ola website to view the snapshot of the first season's points and the proportion of token points.

Users who have already accumulated points only need to remain active in the Massive network on various terminals to qualify for the final token collection. This development marks a significant step forward for the Ola project, demonstrating its commitment to providing a robust and secure platform for its users.

The ZKP verification network Massive is a key component of Ola's infrastructure, providing a secure and efficient method for verifying transactions and other activities on the network. The completion of the first token snapshot is a significant milestone for the project, indicating its readiness to move forward with its next phase of development.