According to Odaily Planet Daily, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin said in a blog post that the Ethereum concept for 2021 is very simple. As long as there is some kind of market mechanism or zero-knowledge proof system to force centralized participants to act honestly, such a system usually works well in general, but will cause catastrophic failure in the worst case. The current Ethereum protocol proposal has clearly deviated from that model and takes the need for a truly decentralized network more seriously.

In the near and medium term, the Ethereum network will focus on improving its permissionless and decentralized features, focusing on concepts such as stateless nodes, MEV mitigation, and single-slot finalization, so that Ethereum can take a further step in the direction of decentralization. In the future, efforts will also be made in light client technology and decentralized cross-L2 bridges to ensure that Ethereum L1 becomes a strong foundation layer for decentralization and security.

Ethereum needs to require RPC providers to provide proofs when providing results so that these results can be verified and extend light client technology to Layer 2 protocols. If Ethereum is to scale through a Rollup-centric roadmap, Layer 2 needs to obtain the same security and decentralization guarantees as Layer 1.