According to Odaily Planet Daily, the community of the decentralized derivatives protocol GMX initiated a proposal to introduce GMX V2 to Solana to launch the GMSOL project. Under the guidance of close communication with GMX core contributors and community feedback, the relevant project team completed the construction of the basic framework of GMSOL. In order to ensure the highest standards of security and reliability, GMSOL will undergo multiple rounds of audits before being officially deployed on the Solana network.

GMSOL will operate as an independent project while maintaining a close relationship with GMX. All value measurement and storage will be exclusively in GMX tokens. GMX will implement a buyback mechanism, and a large portion of the fees will be used to buy back GMX, thereby establishing the GMSOL Treasury. The GMSOL Treasury will be supervised by the GMX DAO.

GMSOL points will be introduced, and GMSOL points can be pre-minted or pre-sold. The specific rules of GMSOL points will be announced before GMSOL is officially launched. The GMSOL Treasury will provide value support for GMSOL points. GMSOL does not require any venture capital funds, and all initial technical development and operating costs are borne by the project team itself. The proposal requires GMX DAO to bear the potential audit costs of GMSOL and grant a license to copy, use and front-end code.