According to U.Today, billionaire and innovative entrepreneur Elon Musk recently posted on Twitter, which attracted the attention of the cryptocurrency community. Musk proposed a simple way on social media that anyone can use to support free speech on the X platform (formerly known as Twitter). The community expressed enthusiastic support for this.

Musk tweeted that to support free speech, just pay a monthly subscription fee for the X Premium service. He said in the message that a subscription to support free speech would be greatly appreciated. Users began to comment, confirming that many people had already subscribed, and some thanked Musk for buying X/Twitter and supporting free speech around the world.

In addition, Musk also tweeted that his company, Tesla, an electric car manufacturing giant, intends to invest up to $10 billion in AI training this year. Tesla has already invested $1 billion in this area in the first quarter of this year. Musk also said that if a company is not prepared to invest so much money and cannot do it efficiently, then it will not be able to remain competitive in this field.