According to Odaily Planet Daily, Self Chain officials recently announced an update to the SELF token economics, extending the team allocation vesting period from 2 years to 6 years to achieve long-term and sustainable development of the project. According to the disclosed information, when the Self Chain mainnet was launched, the initial total supply of SELF tokens was 360 million. Among them, migration allocation accounted for 25%, or 90 million; equity investors accounted for 10%, or 36 million; validator nodes/growth sales accounted for 28%, or 100 million; ecosystem accounted for 19%, or 68 million; foundation nodes accounted for 10%, or 36 million; team accounted for 8%, or 30 million. The team's SELF tokens will not be released when the mainnet is launched, followed by a 12-month cliff, followed by 72 months of monthly vesting. Self Chain is a Modular Intent-Centric Access L1 chain that provides wallet infrastructure services for multi-chain Web3 access using MPC-TSS/AA.