According to Odaily Planet Daily, Chivo Wallet, the official cryptocurrency wallet of El Salvador, denied reports that its software source code and the data of more than 5 million users related to KYC procedures had been hacked. Chivo's management clarified that its data security was not compromised and the leaked data did not come from their system. The only leaked files came from a Chivo ATM machine that was stolen on March 21, 2023. The information of these files is strictly related to the operation of the ATM machine and does not include any personal user data.

Earlier in April, hackers said that since last Saturday, the personal information of more than 5 million Salvadorans had been leaked, making it the worst data security incident in the country's history. The stolen information included names, birthdays, phone numbers, addresses, and even high-definition, watermark-free headshots. The leak involved the vast majority of adults in El Salvador. The leaked data has been circulating on the dark web since August at a price of $250, but the hackers allegedly failed to receive the ransom, so they decided to release the data for free.