According to U.Today, Shiba Inu’s well-known blockchain platform Shibarium has seen a staggering 97.7% drop in transaction activity in just 24 hours. According to data provided by Shibariumscan, the number of transactions plummeted from 242,300 on April 9 to 5,630 on April 10. It is worth noting that although Shibarium’s transaction volume has dropped significantly, other indicators within the Shiba Inu network have been relatively stable. For example, the number of active accounts interacting within Shibarium has held steady at 72,000 over the past five days. Additionally, there was a significant increase in new account creation, from 536 to 626. This sudden and significant drop in trading activity has confused many and sparked speculation as to its cause. While a sharp drop in trading activity may be cause for concern, it's important to note the positive trajectory Shibarium is on. With steady progress and growing investor interest, Shibarium remains poised to solidify its position among the top solutions in the blockchain ecosystem.