Ripple’s development arm, RippleX, has urged node operators to upgrade to version 2.1.1, U.Today reported. If they fail to update to the new version in time, they will be blocked by the revision. The latest version of XRPL’s reference server implementation became available a week ago, introducing an important revision designed to fix a critical automated market maker (AMM) vulnerability. The AMM vulnerability fix will be activated this Thursday, so RippleX is urging node operators to upgrade. U.Today reported that the AMM revision went live on XRPL in May. Ripple’s CTO David Schwartz described this as a “big moment for XRPL” because of its potential to expand the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. However, the new AMM feature has not been smooth sailing. At the end of March, a critical vulnerability was discovered that hindered the intended functionality of the feature. Due to inconsistencies in certain AMM pools, transactions could not be executed correctly. XRPL users were advised not to use the feature while the RippleX team fixed the vulnerability. Community participants like Sologenic quickly turned off the deposit function. Version 2.1.1 now includes a fix for the AMMOverflowOffer revision, which is designed to fix the major vulnerability.