According to Odaily Planet Daily, on April 10, Lola Oyelayo-Pearson, product manager of the business department of Mysten Labs, delivered a speech entitled "How Web3 can solve the biggest user experience problem of Web2" at the Sui Basecamp event in Paris. She introduced Enoki, Mysten Labs' user engagement and experience improvement solution in detail. According to a survey cited by Lola, the revenue of brands that invest in user engagement has increased by 90%, and it is expected that by 2030, global companies will invest $28.7 billion to improve user loyalty. Blockchain can serve as a bridge connecting user and enterprise needs, placing the original data in a black box, not exposing privacy and providing portraits. However, most blockchains are too expensive and are not stable enough due to the influence of the entire network traffic. In contrast, Sui has excellent elastic expansion capabilities and is suitable for building enterprise practical products such as Enoki. Enoki's features include: B-end users enjoy the same UI experience as C-end users, are not restricted by TPS, can settle gas in US dollars, and support wallet-side Sui domain names.