According to U.Today, Elon Musk, the tech billionaire and owner of the X social media network, recently shared a video of the late Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs, to convey a significant message. The video, in which Jobs discusses the importance of craftsmanship in turning a great idea into a great product, was met with enthusiastic support from the crypto community, particularly for Musk's Grok AI project.

In the video, Jobs refers to a 'very serious disease' that affected Apple after his departure, which he attributes to the belief that 'a really great idea is 90% of the work.' Jobs disagreed with this notion, arguing that a great idea requires 'a tremendous amount of craftsmanship' to become a great product. He also emphasized the importance of a talented team 'rubbing against' each other, exchanging ideas, and evolving the original idea.

Musk shared this video with the caption 'precisely,' indicating his agreement with Jobs' perspective. The crypto community responded positively to the tweet, with many users expressing their support for Musk's Grok AI and X projects.

Musk's start-up, xAI, launched Grok in late 2023 as a competitor to OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Musk recently announced that Grok 2.0 is currently in training and will be released soon. At present, a monthly subscription for Grok is 60% cheaper than that for ChatGPT-4.

Many believe that Musk, who has inspired both admiration and criticism, has come as close as possible to achieving the status of the greatest entrepreneur and visionary, a title previously held by Jobs. This belief was reflected in the comments on Musk's tweet, where many users agreed with Jobs' message and praised Musk's Grok AI and X as great products.