According to the Planet Daily, AICoin Chinese Channel monitoring shows that the smart money address starting with 0x77 has lost nearly $700,000 in October 2023 and now has a floating profit of more than $300,000. This address has bought a total of 503.58 ETH (about $1.64 million) from July 2023 to date, with an average price of $1,593.53. It added ETH at the bottom of the bear market and has a floating profit of more than $500,000 so far. From April to September 2023, it bought 1.0151 million DEXT (about $508,900) at an average price of $0.5013, holding potential currencies for a long time, and has a floating profit of more than $500,000 so far. From February 24 to February 25, 8266.32 ILVs (approximately US$805,300) were purchased at an average price of US$97.41; from February 26 to February 27, 8266.32 ILVs (approximately US$925,800) were sold through 1inch and Sushi at an average price of US$112; short-term attacks on popular sector currencies have made profits of more than US$120,000.