According to Odaily: The RippleX development team recently revealed XLS-30, a groundbreaking protocol representing the first Automated Market Maker (AMM) built into the XRP Ledger. Ripple Chief Technology Officer David Schwartz touted the XLS-30 feature as one of his favorites on the X platform. The XLS-30 protocol uses smart contracts and liquidity pools to enable peer-to-peer token swaps, with users providing liquidity to the pool, subsequently earning fees.
The RippleX team states that XLS-30 will work alongside local AMMs to facilitate seamless crypto trading within XRPL's liquidity pool. A core modification of the XLS-30 proposal includes the introduction of a continuous auction mechanism aimed at incentivizing arbitrageurs to bid actively, thereby mitigating the impact of liquidity providers' impermanent losses.
Voting is now open on the XLS-30 AMM proposal amendment in a key moment for the future of XRPL features and XRP Ledger capabilities.