When you join any Telegram/Discord or other social media group that deals with crypto, you'll notice that some of the admins' names end with the text "CM or Never DM you first or Never IB you first or Nvr dm you first or nvr message you first etc."

what's the meaning of that words?

The meaning of...

  • CM = community Manager

  • DM = Direct message

  • IB = InBox

  • Never DM/CM you first = Never Message you first in Personal

Why did they include that in their name? Does it need to be added?

They include these terms in their name to make it clear to the community or group that they are the group's community manager and won't message you right away to try to con you out of money. so that the community may determine whether a communication they get from that admin is legitimate by looking at the username. The implication is that they (the group admin) can stop the community from falling the con.

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#Binance #DM #CM #IB #BINANCE2023 #DYOR #BeAware