Xiaocao mining has resumed, quickly roll it up! Here is the computer tutorial

Solana’s founder also retweeted the news. This basically solidifies Sol’s idea of ​​turning mobile phones into gold mining shovels in the future, and projects that support this idea will receive official support.

It combines the playability of this free masturbation project on Twitter, Youtube, and the platform.

The feasibility is above 90 points and the potential is above 80 points.

After some exploration on my own, I found that the operation is very simple. I can do this if I have a spare computer.

Operating procedures:

1. Open the website to register a grass account: https://app.getgrass.io/register/?referralCode=tOLPu9Mz9ofVjjn

2. Open the VPN, open Google Chrome, download a Google plug-in, copy the plug-in address and open it:


After the plug-in installation is complete, open the plug-in directly.

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