How to make 10,000 U with 200 U in two months?
Goal to earn 166 every day
Damn, it’s very likely that today's target profit won't be achieved 😓. I heavily invested and opened more than ten positions. Even when I opened the right ones, I didn't dare to hold them; when I opened the wrong ones, I also didn't dare to hold them. I kept cutting back and forth on more than ten large orders, and the transaction fees must have amounted to over 100 U.
All this effort for nothing❗ I didn't sleep much yesterday, and now I’m both tired and sleepy, unable to open any positions. I’ll take a nap and see if there are any opportunities when I wake up.
Today is the credit card payment day, and I haven't settled the minimum payment amount yet. I'm waiting to withdraw profits to pay off the credit card 😂😂