According to @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, the current SWARMS TOP1 holding address (accounting for 5.86% of the total token supply) has not sold any tokens to date, with an average cost of $0.03891, currently having an unrealized profit of $7.14 million and a return rate of 314%.
However, three days after becoming the top holder of SWARMS, this whale did three things:
1. Transferred all 54.96 million tokens to address Dsjzh...t8T5i;
2. Through another address EHB8Q...FjNay, increased the position by purchasing 3.85 million tokens at an average price of $0.08973, and is currently still adding to the position;
3. The address EHB8Q...FjNay also established a position of $194,000 in $ZAILGO at an average price of $0.01841, and has currently sold half of the position, accumulating a profit of $256,000.