12🈷️ Report 🗓


1. Overview

Binance - as the main trading platform

Best performing:

BGB💎 firmly told everyone at the beginning of the month: one that won't sell

RENDER 8.55 Long Position ✅

BTC 107000 Short Position

ETH 4100 Short Position

SOL 228 Short Position

SOL 176 Long Position

2. Capital Performance

11🈷️ keeps telling you to watch ETH break 2800

Others don't have faith in ETH, we switch to ETH

Awesome people analyze ahead

I never said I was awesome

But those who make money with me are awesome

I've always said whether KOL has money is none of your business

The key is what kind of value he provides to you

My posts, as long as you don't have prejudice, execute as planned, because it's a public strategy, more relies on your own grasp of stop-loss and take-profit ⏰, you could achieve the same results as I do if you execute well

3. Trading Strategy

In December, a total of 13 strategies were given, hitting 100% accuracy

Correct profit and hitting target completed ✅92.3%

The key to grasping the strategy is mainly patience, without poor execution



December still didn't meet expectations, but don't lose heart

1🈷️ We start again $BTC