Privasea AI today announced the mainnet roadmap, officially naming the mainnet as DeepSea, with the testnet Beta launching on January 6. The DeepSea AI network is powered by FHE deep learning, aiming to provide users with comprehensive security assurances during the computation process. According to the official roadmap, the testnet will evolve from Alpha to Beta on January 6, releasing a brand new dashboard, as well as launching the test versions of the USB node and Privanetix node plans; on January 27, the Genesis release will fully initiate the Privanetix node plan and the FHEML task release plan; in the first quarter of 2025, the DeepSea mainnet will officially go live, launching optimized versions of the USB node and Privanetix node. At the same time, the FHEML task release plugin and webpage will be launched, allowing users to design custom models, submit training samples, and publish tasks to obtain machine learning results.