darriel I do not deny that riding out the investment is not without risk because as the investment loses value the investment limit also goes down, but what is better, to continue x6 having faith that it will go up or to block 70% of the loss giving time to add funds or readjust? As you can see they maintain a balance, it was ridden in the last fall already with a -33% the currencies vary and once the second investment is made the % PnL remains very close, so if you tell me that making a double investment is riskier than leverage I ask you to argue how, before I had a risk of losing everything at 0.13 now according to the accounts it can go down to 0.08 that yes there are expenses for commissions when opening and closing positions but to keep my 500usd safe it does not seem exaggerated to me
This is a message in response to whoever answered me in my previous publication but as it is a long message I preferred to place it as the main message, if you do not understand what I am talking about I invite you to Find my penultimate post