At the beginning of 2026, XRP will reach 150$✅
At the beginning of 2038, XRP will reach 1000$✅
When BTC reaches 330,000$✅
At the same time, it follows the bull top prediction price given by the bull-bear prediction model of 2012-2026 and 2019-2026✅
When the price drops from 330,000$ to 80,000$, it is the secondary bear market bottom (corresponding to the 2019-2026 cycle), and the price drops to 6,000$, it is the important bear market bottom (corresponding to the 2012-2026 cycle)
It also follows the bear bottom prediction price given by the bull-bear prediction model of 2012-2026 and 2019-2026✅
Therefore, the current XRP will usher in a bull market lasting about 10 years, and the current BTC will end the bull market of about 10 years in the past and usher in the super bear market cycle in history.