If you are a pessimist in this market, you will probably leave money on the table for other players.

Good players do not trade news. They trade charts!

Don't know anything about chart analysis? Well... start learning!

If you depend only on other people's analysis, the risk of you getting screwed is high. Studying this market is what will make you prosper. Without the minimum knowledge to trade, your chances of surviving in the crypto market are slim.

Without knowledge, you will think that the crypto market is like a game of luck and chance, like a slot machine, you will consider that the market is all manipulated and that there was no reason or indication of a possible correction or lateralization.

Without knowledge, you will elect any news or publication as a true fact. Sometimes it is just another FUD, created by those who understand nothing about the market. Once the FUD spreads, fear sets in and beginner or inexperienced traders end up leaving the market AT A LOSS!

Learn about this market or any trigger created for the market to correct, you will despair and lose a good part of your crypto assets.

For those who do not know where they want to go, any path will do. Any trigger will do. Any result will do.