
A special message from the Pi Network founders:

Pioneers, we have reached the remarkable milestones of 18 million KYC and 8 million Mainnet migrations. Pi Network will launch Open Network in Q1 2025! This timeline will allow the network to migrate more Pioneers to Mainnet and include them in Open Network, closing the gap between KYC Pioneers and Migrated Pioneers. It will also help the network reach its goal of 10 million migrations under the Open Network requirement. We have always prioritized accessibility and inclusivity, and furthermore, we want to give more Pioneers the opportunity to use their Pi once Open Network launches. More Pi on Mainnet also means more engagement and stability in the ecosystem. For more details on the Open Network launch, read the full announcement.

– Chengdiao Fan and Nicolas Kokkalis, Pi Network Founders

Pioneers, we have reached over 18 million Pioneers KYC, and over 8 million of them have migrated to Mainnet! Our recent upgrades have also increased the speed of provisional KYC resolutions and Mainnet migrations, for example nearly 200,000 Pioneers have migrated to Mainnet in the last day. At this pace, we will be able to include millions more Pioneers in the open network and soon exceed the open network requirement of 10 million Pioneers migrated to Mainnet, so that the open network can be launched as soon as possible in Q1 2025!