You don't have to be very intelligent to understand that if we impose a flat tax, people will no longer convert Bitcoin into Fiat currency as easily, they will keep it and as
Bitcoin is a rising currency, they will become richer and richer indirectly.
Europeans shot themselves in the foot and allowed everyone to become as rich as possible.😐😅😂
which also means that their euro currency will disappear and they will, as we can already see, have to invent wars to extract as much money as possible from the people for this reason,
except that they failed to make the people swallow the pill that it was absolutely necessary to wage war against Russia...
the people are not with them.
he is against them.
Today no one wants to wage war and no one wants to finance it, so they try as much as possible to find money and pretexts to finance their luxurious lives.
Since the war in Algeria and Mali, the objective has been a war of massive population displacement in order to create geopolitical tensions and provoke civil wars.
but they haven't been able to do it for 30 years and it exasperates them 🤣🤣🤣 they 😠want us all to hate each other and live in chaos
and that they bring in the army so that we are obliged to pay more taxes to obviously ensure security.
They managed to do this with attacks everywhere and a bit fake, but it was once again to increase the state budget and to be able to continue to live off the backs of citizens.
This is what they do to Europeans. Conspiracy? No, just a scam.
The problem is that Bitcoin and everything else will explode and they will end up with the only value they have in their country.
a huge debt
and the credulity of the people who still work for them, so less and less people are credible and more and more they will be more and more destitute and will stop the system when they find themselves with an immense debt they will obviously want to wage a war to be able to continue to live on the backs of the people
but we will say no, we will say no to their total delusions and they will be ousted forever
Is the future bright? Yes, the future is splendid without all this political class that will find itself ruined.
Today they have signed the total loss of their interest by imposing the flat tax and it serves them right.
they had too much greed and in trading greed leads inexorably to ruin
just like greed because they will never redistribute anything to hospitals or the needy
When we see that the only thing that was done for the people was done by a comedian called Coluche, for the "poor" we understand of course that all that is going into darkness and will disappear forever.
This is their next goal: darkness, so don't be on the train that leads there and try to cut off all possible wealth inputs by keeping your cryptos safe and never converting them into this currency which is an open joke called the euro and which will also crash to the ground.