Odaily Planet Daily News: Although Telegram experienced the arrest of its founder Pavel Durov this year, it also achieved its first profit in three years of content monetization. Pavel Durov also revealed that the company paid off "a large part" of its $2 billion debt. After the news came out, Elon Musk praised it on the social platform X for "good work." However, Pavel Durov had previously stated that Telegram plans to go public in early 2026, but the plan may change because of the arrest. Telegram declined to comment and said that "the company is still wholly owned by Pavel Durov, and Pavel Durov neither wants nor needs to sell any equity." Some investors remain cautious, and Telegram said it will repay investors on time. It is reported that the company's cryptocurrency holdings have recently increased due to the friendly attitude of the incoming US Trump administration towards cryptocurrencies. (The Paper)