Odaily Planet Daily reported that under the guise of 'marketing, promotion, and customer acquisition,' a list of sensitive information of participants in the cryptocurrency industry has been illegally sold, becoming a database coveted by scammers and malicious actors. These lists detail participants' full names, phone numbers, nationalities, positions, affiliated companies, and personal and business social media links, which are often collected during event registrations at conferences or breakout sessions. Cointelegraph obtained a 'sample' of the list from a seller via Telegram, including four lists from different events, each containing about 60 to 100 participants and various data points. The events mostly took place in the fall of 2024, with participants from several countries including Southeast Asia and India. This indicates an organized international data trade of blockchain event participants. Furthermore, there is a wealth of similar information being shared, which can greatly aid social engineering scammers in targeting individuals on the list with malicious links and phishing attacks to steal their cryptocurrency wallets. (Cointelegraph)