Once upon a time, in a small, peaceful village, there lived an old lady named Mamie Simone. She was known for her silver hair, her delicious cakes, and her big heart filled with love for her grandchildren. But this year, something surprising was going to turn her life upside down.🐧

It all started when Grandma Simone, hearing about Bitcoin on TV, thought: "This is my chance🙌🤗! I'm going to become rich, and my grandchildren will never have to worry about anything again." She gathered her meager savings, the equivalent of €120,000, and placed them in Bitcoin at a leverage of x20. Every day, she watched her account grow, dreaming of sumptuous houses and sumptuous gifts for her grandchildren. 🌟🎁

But one day, everything changed. Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, spoke, and in a few words, Bitcoin plummeted. The numbers collapsed before his eyes, going from $103,000 to $92,000. Mamie Simone, who had not placed a stop-loss, lost everything in an instant. She collapsed, tears streaming down her cheeks, overcome by despair. Her dreams vanished, and she spent two days holed up in her bed, unable to get up.😨

Then one morning, someone knocked on her door. "Grandma Simone, open the door, I have a solution for you!" a cheerful voice shouted. Reluctantly, she got up, opened the door, and found a dapper man in his forties. He introduced himself: "My name is Trading G. I've come to help you!"🤣🙂

At first suspicious, Mamie Simone finally invited her in. Trading G. deployed his computer and explained his secret: he could see the movements of traders thanks to an indicator he had designed. "Look here, Mamie Simone. I know where traders place their orders. With this information, I can anticipate their movements and place winning trades, on a range of 83, I count the declines and put the take profits of the traders, then it analyzes the trend on several ranges to find the market manipulations of which you have been a victim."

🧐With only €30 left in Mamie Simone’s account, Trading G. undertook a series of 200 leverage trades. In a matter of hours, he recovered everything she had lost, and more. Mamie Simone was amazed. “Are you an angel?” she asked.🙂🤗

Trading G smiled. "Let's just say I'm someone who likes to help. Get ready, Christmas is coming, and your grandchildren are waiting for you." 😊😇

Mamie Simone went to change, but when she came back, the man had disappeared. Only a note remained on the table: "Merry Christmas, Mamie Simone. Thinking of you. 3, 6, 9."🤔🇫🇷

The next day, Christmas, Mamie Simone was able to give her grandchildren the most wonderful gifts. Laughter and joy filled the house, and she felt a deep warmth invade her heart. Looking at the portrait of her late husband, she whispered: "I think a miracle has happened." 🍍🍌🏴‍☠️

And so, Mamie Simone learned that beyond loss, there is always a chance for renewal, especially at Christmas. 🎄

🙏 Warning this is just a Christmas tale. But do not underestimate the power of Algorithms 🚀, there is even more elaborate: the classic patterns of market manipulation.

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/

// © jeromehorus



indicator("Cyborg matrix Trader and owner hunter for take all of the money", overlay=true)

// Parameters to define the thresholds for large climbs and descents

movement_high = input.float(1.0, title="Significant increase threshold ($)")

movement_bas = input.float(-1.0, title="Significant drop threshold ($)")

study= input.int(3,"range ")//13

smaEtude = input.int(33,"etudes trades without false signals")//13


retracement = input.int(1,"retracement of the long range at PI* Retracement")

// User settings

lookback = input.int(24, title="Lookback period (hours)", minval=1)

timeframe_in_minutes = lookback * 60

// Variables to store the max volume and the corresponding price

var float maxVolume = 0

var float priceAtMaxVolume = 0

// Loop to iterate over the candles in the defined interval

for i = 0 to timeframe_in_minutes - 1

if (volume[i] > maxVolume)

maxVolume := volume[i]

priceAtMaxVolume := close[i]

// Display the price corresponding to the maximum volume on the chart

line.new(bar_index[timeframe_in_minutes], priceAtMaxVolume, bar_index, priceAtMaxVolume, color=color.red, width=2, style=line.style_solid)

// Display text with price and volume

label.new(bar_index[0], priceAtMaxVolume, text="Volume max: " + str.tostring(maxVolume) + "\nPrix: " + str.tostring(priceAtMaxVolume), color=color.red, textcolor=color.white, size=size.small)

// Detection of price variations between the opening and closing of the candle

variation = close - open

// Condition for a significant increase

big_rise = variation > high_movement

// Condition for a significant decrease

big_drop = variation < low_movement

// Calculating volume for significant increases and decreases

volume_rise = big_rise ? volume : na

volume_drop = big_drop ? volume : na

// Display on the chart to visualize the volumes associated with the increases/decreases

plotshape(series=grande_hausse, location=location.belowbar, color=color.green, style=shape.labelup, title="Grande Hausse", text="📈")

plotshape(series=grande_baisse, location=location.abovebar, color=color.red, style=shape.labeldown, title="Grande Baisse", text="📉")

// Plot of volumes associated with major increases and decreases

plot(close+volume_hausse, color=color.green, linewidth=2, title="Volume sur grande hausse")

plot(close-volume_baisse, color=color.red, linewidth=2, title="Volume sur grande baisse")

// Total liquidity calculation (sum of major ups and downs volumes)

total_liquidity = math.sum(volume_increase, 10) + math.sum(volume_decrease, 10)

// Display total liquidity below the chart

p1=plot(close+liquidite_totale, color=color.purple, linewidth=1, title="Total Liquidity (over the last 10 candles)")


fill(p1, p2,color= color.rgb(233,23,212,75) )

var table stats = table.new(position.bottom_right, 1, 9, border_width=1, frame_color=color.black, frame_width=2)

//able.cell(stats, 0, 2,message+pr+cool+rec+warning+"\nattention there are\n only false signals", bgcolor=close-close[3]>0?color.green:color.red)

table.cell(stats, 0, 2,"$ en jeux:"+str.tostring(liquidite_totale), bgcolor=color.rgb(123,123,123))

table.cell(stats, 0, 3,"psy. price: "+str.tostring(priceAtMaxVolume), bgcolor=color.rgb(123,123,123))

//******* this part studies the losing future where traders will lose as well as investors in order to understand the market*****

float tp=0

if (bar_index > 0)

for i=0 to 83

mp = close[i]-close[i+1]>=0?true:false

dp = math.abs(close[i]-close[i+1])

tp := mp ? tp+dp: tp-dp

grandt = tp<=0?false: true

tp :=0

if (bar_index > 0)

for i=0 to 33

mp = close[i]-close[i+1]>=0?true:false

dp = math.abs(close[i]-close[i+1])

tp := mp ? tp+dp: tp-dp

peti= tp<=0?false: true

tp :=0

//ble.cell(stats, 0, 4,grandt ? "bull market. predict \n false breakout": "bear market, predict big \nrise and big descent", bgcolor=color.rgb(123,123,123))

table.cell(stats, 0, 4,grandt ? peti? "bull market. predict \n false breakout": "bull market to the downside, figures between two supports":peti?"bear market to the upside, predict chasm to come":"bear market, predict big \nrise and big descent", bgcolor=color.rgb(123,123,123))

// fomo and foli indicator

fomo = ta.highest(close,333)

foli = ta.lowest( close,333)

plot ( fomo, color= color.red,offset=3)

plot ( foli, color = color.green,offset=3)

fomod = ta.highest(close,963)

folid = ta.lowest( close,963)

plot ( fomod, color= color.red,offset=3,linewidth=4)

plot ( folid, color = color.green,offset=3,linewidth=4)

// when you are at the bottom, more chance that it will start again except big bzissier walk or bukk run


// to avoid false signals

// we count the small variations

// on a sma

choix = input.string("sma", title="Choix sma ou stdev, atr, stdev", options=["sma", "ema","atr","stdev"]) == "stdev"

moma = ta.ema( close, smaEtude)

mom = choice ? ta.sma( close,smaEtude) : ta.stdev( close, smaEtude)// previously

total = (mom+moma)/2

if (bar_index > 0)

for i=0 to etude

mp = mom[i]-mom[i+1]>=0?true:false

dp = math.abs(mom[i]-mom[i+1])

tp := mp ? tp+dp: tp-dp

manip= tp<=0?false: true

tp :=0

if (bar_index > 0)

for i=0 to int(etude*3.14*retracement)

mp = mom[i]-mom[i+1]>=0?true:false

dp = math.abs(mom[i]-mom[i+1])

tp := mp ? tp+dp: tp-dp

confirm= tp<=0?false: true

table.cell(stats, 0, 5,grandt ? peti? manip?"false breakout rally-\nbear market coming soon":"false breakout in progress \nbullRun coming soon!":manip? "figure":peti?manip?"price inflation":"big drop":"manipulation":"wash trading down", bgcolor=color.rgb(123,123,123))

tp :=0

// trader FAMOUS trades, hunt for

// theire famous stop loose based on fibonaccci

fam = ta.highest(close,83)

fab = ta.lowest( close,83)

diff = fam-fab

stoploosetrader=plot(manip and confirm? close-diff/3: manip and confirm==false ?close-diff/3: manip==false and confirm ? close+diff/3:close+diff/3,color=manip and confirm or manip==false and confirm==false ? color.yellow:color.red)

//ploosetrader=plot(manip and confirm ? close-diff/3:close+diff/3, color=color.red, linewidth=1, title="pathetic stop loose)")

takeprofittrader=plot(manip and confirm? close+diff: manip and confirm==false ?close+diff: manip==false and confirm ? close-diff:close-diff,color=manip and confirm or manip==false and confirm == false?color.yellow:color.green)

fill(stoploosetrader, p2,color= color.red)

fill(takeprofittrader, p2,color=manip and confirm or manip== false and confirm==false? color.rgb(0,110,240): color.green)

// line to see if it takes off or stays

// and finally false entry or purchase at a summit

supp = ta.lowest(close,3)

resi = ta.highest(close,3)

plot(manip== false and confirm? resi:close,color =manip== false and confirm? color.rgb(0,44,0):color.rgb(0,0,0,255) ,linewidth=2)

plot(manip and confirm== false? supp:close,color =manip and confirm==false? color.rgb(122,0,0):color.rgb(0,0,0,255) ,linewidth=2)

// real trend study

vt = input.int(33,"Real trend study")

vrais = close-close[vt] >0? true:false

vraisd = math.abs(close-close[vt])

plot(true?close+trued:close-trued, color=true? color.green:color.red)