Report on the cryptocurrency market situation on December 22, 2024:
1. Price fluctuations of major cryptocurrencies:
Bitcoin (BTC):
Current price: 97,029 USD
Change from the previous day: down 1.125 USD (-1.15%)
Highest price of the day: 98,343 USD
Lowest price of the day: 95,839 USD
Ethereum (ETH):
Current price: 3,378.54 USD
Change from the previous day: down 80.29 USD (-2.32%)
Highest price of the day: 3,458.83 USD
Lowest price of the day: 3,297.61 USD
Current price: 666.30 USD
Change from the previous day: down 12.74 USD (-1.88%)
Highest price of the day: 679.04 USD
Lowest price of the day: 650.61 USD
Tether (USDT):
Current price: 0.999387 USD
Change from the previous day: down 0.00028 USD (-0.03%)
Highest price of the day: 1.002 USD
Lowest price of the day: 0.996646 USD
Current price: 2.27 USD
Change from the previous day: down 0.05 USD (-2.16%)
Highest price of the day: 2.32 USD
Lowest price of the day: 2.18 USD
2. Commentary:
The cryptocurrency market is undergoing a correction phase after reaching record highs. Investors should closely monitor macroeconomic developments and monetary policy from central banks, especially the Fed, to make informed investment decisions.
Note: The information above is compiled from reliable sources and may change over time. Investors should seek further advice and carefully consider before making investment decisions.