⛔ Stop trading like a rookie!

It's nothing personal, but the article I'm referring to is one of many out there advising "novices" on how to waste their time doing analysis and being psychologically stable with their emotions to avoid the immaturity of trading compulsively.

On one hand, it's well-written; on the other hand, it doesn't bring anything new to the cryptocurrency INVESTMENT ecosystem. 🫤

Unless you are learning to trade in the spot market or in the futures market, I don't think anyone wants to trade every day like a slave; we already come from a work life that keeps people that way!

It's unjustified to waste time trading futures when the "liquidation algorithm" moves the price towards liquidity zones to eliminate all the open positions that have been accumulating. Remember this, you won't read it anywhere else.

If you go around reading, you'll see that everyone repeats the same thing. Just advice to keep you dumb, busy, and trading every day.

When in reality, what you're looking for, besides making money intelligently, is to have time available for yourself and to enjoy with your family, while your assets grow month by month and year after year: with minimal effort on your part.

💡Remember this, you win in this market with three things:

1. Time

2. Accumulation

3. Volatility

There is another variable:

4. Intelligent Diversification.

But I'm sure you prefer to follow advice like that from the cited article below.

"If you want money and freedom, learn from those who know, get comfortable, and enjoy the journey because your adventure is just beginning..." [◽]

Best regards and success in your trades! 😔🙏