According to News.bitcoin, Dogecoin has recently been subjected to a vulnerability attack that severely affected its node structure. This vulnerability, known as 'Dogereaper', reportedly caused 69% of Dogecoin nodes to crash using just an old laptop from El Salvador by Sequentia developer Andreas Kohl. While this attack had a significant impact on Dogecoin nodes, the situation could have been worse: ecash developers Tobias Ruck and another developer, Roqqit, have disclosed the vulnerability.

Tobias Ruck stated that he first discovered this vulnerability while developing Doged (an alternative to Dogecoin Core) when he found an unpatched segmentation fault in the original code during code migration testing for their alternative software.

Tobias Ruck explained: 'We will not tolerate node crashes. We have put in a lot of effort to ensure network security. This attack could have been more severe, and all key stakeholders, such as miners and exchanges, had patched before the attack occurred, which highlights how important it is for us to act cautiously.' #ETH