Special Christmas Offers from Binance Earn: Subscribe to earn a share of 510,000 USD in rewards and enjoy up to 15% APR!
This is a general announcement and a marketing communication. The products and services mentioned may not be available in your region. Hello, Binancian: This #BinanceSeason, Binance Earn is pleased to announce the launch of two promotions as part of the [Calendario Navideño](https://www.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/activity/calendar/christmas-2024?utm_source=earncampaign) for [productos Bloqueados de ](https://www.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/earn)[Earn](https://www.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/earn/simple-earn), and the [Staking de SOL](https://app.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/solana-staking?_dp=L3dlYnZpZXcvd2Vidmlldz90eXBlPWRlZmF1bHQmbmVlZER5bmFtaWM9dHJ1ZSZ1cmw9YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVltbHVZVzVqWlM1amIyMHZlMnhoYm1kOUwzTnZiR0Z1WVMxemRHRnJhVzVu). By participating in these promotions, eligible users can earn a share of 510,000 USD and enjoy up to 15% APR.
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