Check out your journey with#2024withBinanceand share these moments to earn extra rewards!
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Dear Binance members,
As we approach the final month of 2024, we take this moment to reflect on a year of remarkable growth in the crypto space. Every trade, every suggestion, every interaction has been an essential part of the evolution of Binance and the broader ecosystem. In honor of your journey and the pivotal role you’ve played, we present to you [مُراجعة 2024](https://app.%suffixOrigin%/%locale%/year-in-review/2024-with-binance?utm_source=anns&_dp=L3dlYnZpZXcvd2Vidmlldz90eXBlPWRlZmF1bHQmbmVlZER5bmFtaWM9dHJ1ZSZ1cmw9YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzZDNjdVltbHVZVzVqWlM1amIyMHZlMnhoYm1kOUwzbGxZWEl0YVc0dGNtVjJhV1YzTHpJd01qUXRkMmwwYUMxaWFXNWhibU5sUDNWMGJWOXpiM1Z5WTJVOVlXNXVjdw).