$ME Magic Eden: Market Focus Today
• Current Price: $7.54 (down 33.29% in 24 hours) 📉
• Trading Volume: $3,072.034M
• Open Contracts & Funding Rate: $34.453M | -0.52%
📊 Market Sentiment
• Sentiment Index: 73.33% positive 🐮 | 26.67% negative 🐻
• Social Interest Level: ★★★★★
• Mentions from KOLs: 121 times
• Summary: The community has mixed feelings. Many are excited about the airdrop of token $ME from Magic Eden and the potential financial gains. However, concerns about security and market volatility have led some investors to panic sell, affecting long-term holding confidence.
• Increased Trading Volume: Reached $1.58 billion in 24 hours.
• Sharp Price Drop: -33.29%, currently at $7.54.
• Trading Delayed: OKX has postponed the listing of Magic Eden's spot trading ($ME).
• High Social Activity: The number of posts and discussions about $ME is significantly increasing.
Assessment: Magic Eden is the center of attention but faces significant market pressure. Investors need to consider risks before participating, especially when values are highly volatile and major exchanges are taking cautious actions