Bhutan Transfers 402 BTC ($39.56M) to QCP Capital
Just 2 hours ago, the Royal Government of Bhutan transferred 402 BTC ($39.56M) to QCP Capital.
Transaction Hash: bcb11ddc7ee9342320f3bd6889ec5099dc6e6aa124c1b0db56d64228031cfd7c
Sending Address: 3MXCbF3mskNCFzMWpF9e28soxG9wXGyRAA
Key Details:
Since late October, Bhutan has sold 1,696 BTC ($139M) at an average price of $81,999 via Binance and QCP Capital.
Bhutan still holds 11,398 BTC ($1.12B) across 7 wallets, making it the 4th-largest government BTC holder globally.