Good evening everyone, I'm new to investing.

But the first thing I learned is, study before investing even 1BRL.

Investments are not games, where you press the button and wait for the result.

The market has no favorites, just as it does not move because you bought or not a certain currency. The market is observation, testing, research, learning. There are many experts who give almost ready-made tips here and even so people do not make the slightest effort to understand.

Do you want to buy the currency when it has already appreciated? I'm sorry, but you will always see it falling, and what will be left? Wait for it to return or despair and sell at a loss, because you did not understand that the market goes down, but always goes up again.

👉🏻The market does not know who we are, so it is not against anyone, the ones who need to know who it is, and how it works are us... Otherwise, it is better to stay in the CDB.

😉 If it were easy we would all be rich, so if you want what most people can't, do much more than the average person... We are all capable. 💪🏻🎉